hydration accelerator
You need to drink less to absorb more, making it far more effective than other high sugar alternatives.
Based on the World Health Organization`s formula
The Oral Rehydration Solution (ORS) developed by the World Health Organization absorbs water 2-3 times more efficiently into the body than water alone. The right amount of salt, glucose and water activates the sodium-glucose co-transporter located in the small intestinal tract. These specific cells are activated when they encounter the right ratio of sodium and glucose in water. This allows the body to absorb these molecules and quickly absorb water in the process
KEVEE rapidly hydrates up to 3x more than just water alone
KEVEE - more than an excellent sports drink
benefits of staying hydrated
fuels muscles
weight loss
prevent leg cramps
better digestion
prevent headaches
lubricate of eyes
regulates body temperature
healthy skin
more energy
no artificial flavors
no artificial colors
no artificial sweeteners
lactose free
caffeine free
gmo- free
Low calorie
Probably the best tasting electrolyte drink you’ve tasted!
Our commitment to provide flavors that are 100% natural has never been stronger. A countless number of hours have been done for flavor development and sampling to produce the most effective and great tasting hydration drink. Each drink contains about 15 freeze-dried blueberries
only 24 kcal per drink
Learn more about the benefits of our main ingredients
Glucose: activates the sodium glucose pump in the small intestine for rapid hydration
Sodium chloride: works with glucose to fasten up absorption of water and electrolytes. Helps your body retain fluid.
Citric acid: helps regulate the pH level in the body
Potassium: prevents muscle cramps also helping carry nutrients to the bloodstream.
Blueberry powder: high antioxidant berry powder. One drink contains about 15 freeze-dried berries.
Vitamin C: contains as much vitamin C as one orange.
Vitamin B: blend of vitamin B6 & 12 is key for unlocking energy and battling fatigue.
Stevia leaf: a natural zero-calorie sweetener.
With KEVEE you have to drink less to absorb more
- 9 kg
- 18 kg
- 27 kg
- 36 kg
- 45 kg
- 54 kg
- 63 kg
- 72 kg
- 81 kg
- 90 kg
- 99 kg
- 108 kg
- 117 kg
- 0.25 litres
- 0.5 litres
- 0.75 litres
- 1 litres
- 1.25 litres
- 1.5 litres
- 1.75 litres
- 2 litres
- 2.25 litres
- 2.5 litres
- 2.75 litres
- 3 litres
- 3.25 litres
We are looking for partners / distributors in the following areas: Sports, travel and well-being at work.
We can customize unique products according to your needs. If you are interested, send us a message using the form below and we will contact you right after.
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are you often tired after the work day?
Unfortunately, most people wait until they’re thirsty to take a drink. But the truth is that if you’re feeling thirst, you’re already in a slightly dehydrated state.
Just 1% dehydration has been found to decrease worker productivity by 12%. By the time a worker is thirsty, he or she is already 2-3 percent dehydrated.
Dehydration symptoms to watch for:
- feeling thirsty.
- dark yellow and strong-smelling pee.
- feeling dizzy or lightheaded.
- feeling tired.
- a dry mouth, lips and eyes.
what are the most common causes of dehydration at work?
Outdoor causes:- physical work
- hot working conditions
- protective clothing
- air conditioning, stress
- a lack of adequate water intake
- working in hot conditions e.g. kitchen
- caffeine-containing beverages
why electrolytes?
Most people don’t realize that water isn’t enough and that electrolytes are important too.
When the water content of your body is reduced, it upsets your internal balance of minerals (salts and sugar) and affects the way your body functions. Even a small loss in bodily fluids can cause a loss of energy in the average person.
KEVEE contains salts and sugar in the right balance.
KEVEE absorbs 3 times more water into body than water its own. This results also in fewer visits to the toilet. KEVEE is based on, and falls within the ranges set out by the World Health Organization ORS: Oral Rehydration Solution Guidelines.
Works in a glass and can be poured to a bottle as well.
Get the most out of your next trip!
It is incredibly easy to get dehydrated while traveling abroad. Unfortunately, the excitement of a fast-paced trip often causes travelers to ignore signs of dehydration before it is too late
Common causes of dehydration when traveling:
- dehydration from air travel
- traveler’s diarrhea
- change in climate and altitude
- extra activity
- change in diet
Signs and symptoms of dehydration when traveling:
- increased thirst
- fatigue / lethargy
- dizziness
- headaches
- dry lips, eyes and skin
- dark yellow urine, or decreased urine output
- dry mouth
- irritability
How to manage dehydration during your travel?
Replacing lost fluid and electrolytes with an oral rehydration solution (ORS) is the most important aspect of preventing and relieving dehydration.
KEVEE is a scientifically formulated ORS based on the World Health Organization (WHO) criteria for oral rehydration therapy. The solutions contain the correct balance of glucose and electrolytes to allow for rapid and effective rehydration.
It is important to know that water alone or sugary drinks (i.e. soda or common sports drinks) do not contain the correct balance of sodium and glucose to allow for effective hydration.
TIP: Carry few KEVEE sticks in your hand luggage - for dehydration on the plane and pack more in your suitcase - in case of travelers’ diarrhea or other travel related dehydration.
Healthy skin
Water keeps your body hydrated and refreshed and helps maintain your skin's elasticity. People who drink enough water are less likely to suffer from soft lines and they won't show as many signs of aging as those who drink little amounts of water.
Water is also key for generating new cells – so keeping our bodies topped up will lead to new cell for our skin and hair.
As a person ages, it is tougher for body to retain water, so by inputting more water into your system, you are helping your body and your skin stay hydrated.
If you have a lack of elasticity in your skin, most likely you are dehydrated. To check your skin’s elasticity, gently pinch your skin and see if it bounces back. If it doesn’t bounce back, you need to drink more to hydrate yourself and to plump up your cells. Certain areas such as the skin under your eyes can become dark if you are not hydrated.
TIP: If you find it challenging to drink enough water daily try make your life easier and drink a glass or two KEVEE. By doing so you can maintain your fluid balance more effortlessly.
alcohol and dehydration
Late nights can mean long and lousy mornings. And while there is no cure for hangovers, KEVEE can help relieve dehydration associated with drinking alcohol.
Drinking alcohol can lead to a hangover and multiple side effects, including a pounding headache and dizziness, all of which can be caused by dehydration from alcohol.
KEVEE is an electrolyte solution that is low in sugar and rapidly rehydrates your body to help you recover quickly after having a few drinks. KEVEE is not a hangover cure, but our drink contain the right balance of electrolytes to provide you with the hydration you need. It can not do miracles but were`re sure you will notice a difference.
TIP: Enjoy few glasses of KEVEE during the night out and the last one just before going to bed.
miksi elektrolyyttijuoma
Kun tunnet janoa urheillessasi, olet jo nestehukassa. Mikäli treenaat kovalla teholla, niin elektrolyyttien korvaaminen on erittäin tärkeää.
Elektrolyytit ovat niitä, jotka saavat hien maistumaan suolaiselta. Ne ovat mineraaleja, joita keho tarvitsee sekä solun ulkoisen (natriumin) että solun sisäisen (kalium) nestetasapainon säilyttämiseen.
Jo 2% nestehukka voi laskea urheilijan suoritustasoa jopa 20%, johtuen menetetyistä̈ elektrolyyteistä̈ ja nesteistä.
KEVEE-elektrolyyttijuoman avulla vesi imeytyy kehoon 2-3 kertaa paremmin kuin pelkkä vesi ja korvaa hikoillessa menetetyt elektrolyytit.
Sekoita 1-2 pussia 500ml vettä ja nauti.
KEVEE-juoman tehoon luottaa mm. Hifk-Hockey.
Dehydration is one of the most common causes of leg cramps. A cramp is an involuntary contraction of a muscle. The fluids in your body allow your muscles to relax, but—when those muscles are dehydrated—they get irritable and prone to cramping.
If you are dehydrated, drinking water can dilute your body's electrolytes, and that can induce muscle cramp.
As the water and sodium content of the body decreases through sweating, the muscles can begin to systemically cramp. Sodium is the key electrolyte in the formula because sodium helps the body to retain water, especially in the muscle fluid spaces. Without a high enough concentration of sodium, the water that the athlete drinks is excreted without being distributed throughout all of the body’s fluid compartments